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Thumbnails Nov 17
by Tony Medley
Cries From Syria
Evgeny Afineevsky is one of a kind. He is a ground-breaking director who
brings war straight into everyone’s laps and shows its heart-breaking
horror. Showing the carnage and brutality of the civil war in Syria
ignored by the MSM, this is not an easy film to sit through. It shows
people getting shot, dying, bleeding, and crying as it is happening.
There are scenes of war and the horrific deeds of the Assad Government
never before seen, shot with whatever was available including mobile
phones. It brings the bestiality of Assad and ISIS out into the open and
shows the devastating losses they inflict on innocent people. It
documents the cold-hearted violence rained down on hospitals by the
Russians, indiscriminately and intentionally targeting and killing women
and children in hospitals. This is as accurate a picture of war in the
Middle East as you will ever see without enduring it yourself. HBO
Thank You For Your
Service (9/10):
A tense,
gut-wrenching true story of what it’s like for U.S. servicemen returning
from action in the war-torn Middle East and trying to resume a normal
life. This sympathetically details the causes of and battles with Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the strains put on wives who try to
cope. Eye-opening, it’s extremely well-directed and written with
exceptional acting by a fine cast.
Only the Brave
All a movie should be, entertaining and educational, graphically showing
the guts and workings of a forest fire and the heroism of those fighting
it on the front lines. The way the fires seen in the film were created
is an example of wonderful movie magic, because they certainly appear
real, especially the Granite Mountain Fire. It vividly shows how a fire
can explode and travel as much as 4 miles in 20 minutes (in track terms,
that’s a 5 minute mile), which is faster than you can run away from
American Made: Based
on a True Lie (8/10):
The “lie” is that
this is history, which it isn’t, even though it uses real names. Its
politically active left-wing director deviously cut the film in an
effort to smear President Reagan. All that is balderdash; but as a
purely fictional movie it’s entertaining as all get-out and Tom Cruise
gives a fine performance.
Marshall (8/10):
Boseman, who did such a marvelous job portraying Jackie Robinson in “42”
(2013), now takes on Justice Thurgood Marshall, also portraying him as a
young man rather than the crusty, unsmiling Supreme Court Justice that
is in most of our memories, at least mine. Even though this is pretty
much like what one sees on the TV series Law and Order, and is as
entertaining, I shrink from accepting Hollywood versions of factual
events, knowing that today’s filmmakers lean over backwards to insert
every bit of bias into their films that they can get away with. From
what little I’ve been able to discover about the case, though, the story
is pretty much in line with the facts that I’ve been able to uncover and
combines education with entertainment well.
The Mountain Between
Us (7/10):
This is a feeble
attempt at “Guess Who's Coming to Dinner” (1967) updated
for the 21st Century.
While this
story strains credulity beyond the breaking point with incidents that
are beyond ridiculous, it’s pure Hollywood schmaltz; a feel-good,
heart-warming tale that even has a loveable dog in almost every scene.
The Snowman (5/10):
movie from a book that was very good is so poorly done it’s insulting.
There is no nexus between the crimes and the way they are solved by the
protagonists. The acting is mundane at best, except for Rebecca
Ferguson. Star Michael Fassbender sleepwalks through the role, barely
hitting his marks and mumbling his lines. If he is trying to play a
drunk (his character, detective Harry Hole, is an alcoholic), he has
failed miserably. And what in the world is Val Kilmer doing in there? If
you can understand what he’s saying (or why) you’re a better man than I