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Don Jon
by Tony
90 minutes.
Not for
probably not possible to make a tasteful movie about a subject as
distasteful as masturbation, but this movie doesn’t even try. Filled
with frank conversation and gutter language, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is a
successful ladies’ man who can pick up a beautiful woman in a bar and
have his way with her with a snap of his fingers. He finally meets his
“10,” gum-chewing sexpot Scarlett Johansson, and thinks he’s fallen in
is, he’d rather have sex in front of his computer watching porn than
with a woman, even one as beautiful as Johansson. He goes to confession
every week and confesses a few dalliances with females, but 20-30 bouts
with masturbation in front of his computer. The priest duly gives him
absolution, so he goes on and continues.
movie doesn’t understand how confession and sin work in the Catholic
Church. You can confess your sins and be forgiven, but only if you have
a firm desire of amendment. In fact, you don’t get absolution unless you
have such a firm desire. Generally, if it’s clear you’ve got a problem,
the priest will talk to you a little and try to guide you down a better
path, help you deal with your demons. Not in this film, though.
Confession is pictured as imagined by someone like Gordon-Levitt, who
was raised in a Jewish family, who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Although the film is written and directed by Gordon-Levitt, it is not
only misogynistic, it’s got misandry thrown in, too. All of the guys in
the film are crude, foul-mouthed stereotypes who objectify women as
sexual targets, nothing more. Even Gordon-Levitt’s father, Tony Danza,
is a misogynistic clod who speaks like a motorcycle bum at the dinner
table, dropping one F-bomb after another in front of his wife and
daughter at the dinner table dressed in his sleeveless undershirt. No
man in this film shows any respect for any woman. And no man is featured
Julianne Moore enters the film in the middle as an older woman who tries
to bring Gordon-Levitt into the real world. Her character is maddeningly
and unconvincingly contrived, as if Gordon-Levitt just wanted to include
another big name in the cast.
If this
was intended as a comedy as it is advertised, it misses the mark because
there is nothing the least bit humorous anywhere.
Whatever was intended, after only five minutes I started looking at my
watch and continued to urge those hands to move faster throughout the
rest of the film.
September 18, 2013