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Tinker, Tailor,
Soldier, Spy (5/10)
by Tony Medley
Run time 130
OK for children.
John Le Carré,
the author of the book, is the pseudonym for David Cornwell. As
Cornwell, he wrote two fine, small British mysteries, Call for the
Dead and Murder of Quality. They epitomize what is apparently
a dying genre, but both are entertaining. Then he wrote The Spy Who
Came in From the Cold. It became a worldwide bestseller and a
popular film starring Richard Burton (one of Burton's few good films) as
George Smiley, allowing Cornwell to quit his civil service job and
become a fulltime novelist.
While Spy
was a terrific thriller, unfortunately for me, his succeeding books have
been long, convoluted, and uninteresting. I guess I'm in a minority
because all his books became bestsellers.
This movie, for
me, follows his novels very well, because it's long, convoluted, and
slow. Directed by Tomas Alfredson from a script by Bridget O'Connor &
Peter Straughan, Smiley (Gary Oldman), Le Carré's longtime protagonist
(actually making his first appearance in Call for the Dead) has
retired but there's a mole in the British spy organization and Smiley is
called in privately by Control (John Hurt) to find him or her.
What results is
an awful lot of talk. Smiley doesn't smile much, nor does he talk much.
What he does is think, I guess, and listen. The first half of the film
is inordinately slow and confusing. Maybe that's part of the charm, but
I generally think it's nice to know what's going on, instead of spending
more than half of the movie trying to figure out what's going on. It's
one thing to have a mystery about whodunnit, but it's quite another to
have a mystery about whatthehellisgoingon for an hour and a half.
The plot really
doesn't pick up and become comprehensible until Ricky Tarr (Tom Hardy)
enters the film well beyond the halfway point. That's when it becomes
clearer and there are actually a couple of people to care about.
While it is slow
and Smiley's unemotional presence becomes somewhat grating, and while
the mole is so obvious from the very beginning because of the casting
that there is really not much reason to sit there for two more hours
before s/he is revealed, I still found it moderately entertaining
despite a spot of anti-Americanism. But maybe that's because the last
half is much better than the first half and it's the last half that I
walked out of the screening contemplating, as the dawdling first half
had slowly receded out of my consciousness.
December 5, 2011