The first edition of Complete Idiot's Guide to Bridge
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selling beginning bridge book, going through more than 10 printings.
This updated
Second Edition includes some modern advanced bidding systems and
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Forcing, Reverse Drury, Forcing No Trump, and others.
Also included is a detailed Guide to
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even easier. Click book to order. Available in all bookstores and
on Kindle. |
New Year's Eve
by Tony Medley
Run time 110
OK for children.
These "calvacade
of stars" movies are generally a complete waste of time. This one,
directed by Garry Marshall, is better than most, mainly because
Marshall knows his way around a comedy, plus he gets good performances
from some members of his cast, like Zac Efron, Katherine Heigl, Jon Bon
Jovi, and Michelle Pfeiffer, who gives her Diane Keaton impersonation.
In fact, had I not known better I would have thought that it was Diane,
but the Diane of 20 years ago.
There's no plot
that I could determine, just a bunch of vignettes (eight in all) about
people on New Year's Eve tied together by Hilary Swank's effort to get
the big ball fixed so it could drop on time. There are lots of other
"stars" in this but it would take up my entire allocation of words to
list them.
There is a
coming-of-age first, Abigail Breslin becoming a young woman and getting
a romantic kiss. Then there are those who clearly were only on the set
for a day or two, like Robert De Niro, who is terminal and in bed for
most of his few scenes.
There is one
dichotomy that really hit home. Swank gives a maudlin speech about never
giving up and second chances, a big turn around for the woman who
starred in the most disgraceful homage to giving up ever made,
Million Dollar Baby (2004).
Despite that, the
vignettes are relatively harmless and while generally uninvolving, it's
better than sitting through some other films that are out there right
now. This is at least a sweet film with no lasciviousness and no
profanity and a nice moral. And it's well-paced and holds your interest.
December 9, 2011