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The Expendables (5/10)
by Tony Medley
Run time 103 minutes
Not for children.
This is a low-intellect
retro movie full of violence and special effects, peopled by
20th-Century actors. There isn’t even one actor in the film that I can
single out for a good performance. It’s filled with cameos, like Arnold
Schwarzenegger, although having Arnold doesn’t seem to be a particularly
good idea since his popularity, in California anyway, is now down at the
Gray Davis (the man he replaced as Governor) level. Also in for a blink
is Bruce Willis. Even so, Willis is listed in the display ad as one of
the stars. If this doesn’t qualify as misleading advertising, I don’t
know what would.
The prime mover is
director/writer (with David Callaham) Stallone, aided and abetted by
Jason Statham, both action stars who have never had any kind of
reputation as anything other than action movie stars, not an actors, and
this movie does nothing to change that perception. Of course the script
doesn't really require acting.
The excuse for all the
mayhem is a small South American Island taken over by a bad “American,”
a rogue former CIA agent, Monroe (Eric Roberts). Stallone and his gang
of mercenaries are hired by Willis (through Stallone’s agent and former
colleague, tattoo artist Tool, played by Mickey Rourke) to kill the
ruler of the island, General Garza (David Zayas). Rourke is continuing
to play the same role that was so rewarding for him in The Wrestler.
Tool is really an amazing artist because he finishes a tattoo on
Sylvester's back in less time than it takes to spell Sylvester's name,
but if you want logic and reason you've come to the wrong movie.
When Stallone and Statham
get there they meet Garza’s daughter, Sandra (Giselle Itié), who is a
patriot. After killing lots of people on their first visit, they go back
to save her and kill just about everyone else. This is a film where
bullets fly and hit other people; lots of other people; lots and lots of
other people. But, big surprise, they just don't hit our five heroes!
One of the lines that is repeated over and over in A Walk in the Sun
(1945), one of the best war movies of the 20th Century, is "Nobody
dies!" In The Expendables, everybody dies (except our five action
It’s also a film where one
is asked to believe that five men can defeat an army. I guess all this
“few vanquishing many” started with The Magnificent Seven (which
was John Sturges’ 1960 remake of Kurosawa’s 1954 Seven Samurai).
But The Magnificent Seven made sense, wasn’t graphically violent,
and was peopled by real actors, like Yul Brynner, Eli Wallach, and Steve
McQueen. Nobody in this film (well, maybe Willis, but he’s just a cameo)
comes close to the stature of those people.
It shows graphic violence,
hands being chopped off, knives going through bodies, stuff like that.
Graphic violence substitutes for intelligence in junk like this. The
fights are so many and so long that they become like white noise. And
instead of watching two combatants take each other on, the cuts are so
quick that you can rarely tell who’s fighting whom or who is winning,
Who or Whom?
One thing is certain, while
there might be some visceral satisfaction in so many bad guys getting
mowed down, the losers are the viewers.