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Click the Book to read
the players telling their stories in their own words. This is the book
that UCLA Athletic Director J.D. Morgan tried to ban.
Click the book to read the first chapter and for
ordering information.
Thumbnails January 2008
by Tony Medley
I Am Legend (10/10):
This intense third remake of Richard Matheson’s 1954 novel about the
last man on earth has two stars. Will Smith appears in almost every
scene and keeps the film moving. His co-star is New York City as it was
shot on location, not in a studio using CGI. The City is wonderfully
dressed by Production designer Naomi Shohan to look as it might if
abandoned to nature for three years. Even though Smith is the only
person onscreen for much of the 100 minutes, the pace never flags.
The Great Debaters (9/10):
Blacks in the United States have a lot more to overcome than just the
knowledge their ancestors four generations ago were slaves. Revered
Founding Father Thomas Jefferson declared “the inherent inferiority of
Blacks to Whites, because they are more unsavory and secrete more by the
kidneys.” White people don’t have ignorant stigma like that in their
background. This fictionalized film based on the real 1930s Wiley
College debate team captures just a little of what blacks have to
endure, highlighted by a terrific scene in which Forest Whitaker has to
back down to a bunch of bigots in front of his son, Denzel Whitaker.
There is so much more in this well-paced, brilliantly directed (Denzel
Washington) and acted story that even though it is a film by blacks
about blacks, it is a movie that should enthrall whites.
Juno (8/10): Forget the
Oscar®-nominated mediocrity, Little Miss Sunshine, two better
Indies last year were Thank You For Smoking and Hard Candy.
Juno unites comedic genius Jason Reitman, who directed the
former, with the up-and-coming star Ellen Page, who was the lead in the
latter. The result is a poignant, modern romantic comedy with abundant
profanity about a teenager and her unplanned pregnancy. Reitman and
novice screenwriter-former stripper Diablo Cody create Juno as a
Peanuts-like individual, a child in appearance only, but one who
acts and thinks like a mature adult. The result is a fine comedy with a
good moral. On the downside, it follows a Hollywood trend of minimizing
the importance of a father in a baby’s life, which lowered my rating a
The Golden Compass (5/10):
Despite all the controversy and hullabaloo, this is too incoherent and
full of plot holes to lure impressionable children down some primrose
path to the atheism of the book’s author, Philip Pullman. Sure, it’s a
fantasy about a parallel universe where animals talk, witches fly, and
all the children have their own daemons serving as a constant voice of
reason, so it’s not my cup of tea. But, still, in order to be
entertaining, the basic story should make sense and be cohesive. This
has neither attribute. Worse, since this is the first of a trilogy, the
film doesn’t end. To be honest, they should have added, “To be
continued…” at the end, but they didn’t.
Charlie Wilson's War
This is so
excruciating to sit through my old watch expired from looking at it too
much. Even though it’s based on a true story of a profligate Texas
Congressman who actually ended up doing something good, it is filled
with shots of Julia Roberts putting on her makeup and of Tom Hanks (who
speaks as if his mouth is full of mush and he doesn’t want to lose any)
soaking in hot tubs and bath tubs.
I can’t
remember seeing a movie intended to deal with a serious subject that
treats it with such little respect and so superficially. Nichols and
screenwriter Alan Sorkin disgrace what Wilson did. There had to be a lot
more to the story of getting this funding through committees than what
we see here.When I
heard the lines intended to be humorous, it brought to mind how
sportswriter Red Smith responded when asked how he writes, "I open a
vein," he sadly intoned. The lines produced by Sorkin seem to come
straight from an artery, so labored are they.
Atonement (1/10): Any man who says he
likes this 130-minute movie needs a double shot of testosterone.
Starting out like a gothic tale it stretches out into just your
every day, run of the mill The English Patient-paced
ordeal for the viewing audience. The evacuation at Dunkirk took
three days in 1940 and director Joe Wright apparently tried to film
it in real time, making it so phantasmagorical and incoherent as to
make one bilious. There’s a twist at the end that infuriated me.
Even though there is a lot of good acting by Keira Knightley, James
McAvoy, Saoirse Ronan, and Romola Garai, I sat through all of this
for that?