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for the biggest win of my career when we ended UCLA's all-time 88-game
winning streak in 1974."
Compiled with
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Click the Book to read
the players telling their stories in their own words. This is the book
that UCLA Athletic Director J.D. Morgan tried to ban.
Click the book to read the first chapter and for
ordering information.
Street Kings (8/10)
by Tony Medley
Running Time 107 Minutes
Tom Ludlow (Keanu Reeves)
finds himself in a world of hurt, not unlike the one that faced Serpico.
In an incredibly violent film, Tom is an LAPD detective whose partner,
Detective Terrance Washington (Terry Crews) gets murdered and Tom’s the
prime suspect. His boss, Captain Jack Wander (Forest Whitaker) does his
best to try to protect him but Internal Affairs Captain James Biggs
(Hugh Laurie) is out to get him. Tom hooks up with youthful Detective
Paul Diskant (Chris Evans, who gives an appealing performance,
reminiscent of his excellent work in 2004’s “Cellular”) to try to get
the guys who did Washington.
This is a slam-bang,
violent, profane, non-stop action police thriller. Directed by David
Ayers from a story and original screenplay by James Ellroy (with credited changes
by Kurt Wimmer and Jamie Moss), it is consistent with their apparent
sensibilities of placing the LAPD in a poor light (Ellroy wrote “L.A.
Confidential” and Ayers wrote and co-produced “Training Day,” both of which bashed
the LAPD). It is greatly enhanced by the cinematography of Los Angeles
by Gabriel Beristain. It’s made even more tense and exciting by the
excellent editing of Jeffrey Ford and the music of Graeme Revell. All in
all, the production values of the film are A+.
Among the excellent
supporting actors is Naomie Harris (as Linda Washington, Terrance’s
widow), who I thought should have received a Best Supporting Actress
award for her role in “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest.” In
fact, for my money, she was the only good thing in that dismally long
film. The biggest surprise is the competent performance of Cedric “The
Entertainer” Kyles as Scribble, who has, heretofore, been seen mostly in
films that strained to be rotten.
One thing I’ll say is that
it takes a lot to kill people in this movie. In one scene a guy is raked
with automatic weapon fire from two high powered guns for about ten
seconds. He still doesn’t die until Tom can come over to him and press
his chest, saying “stay with me.” Stay with me? The guy has at least 100
high-powered bullets that have ripped through him and Tom thinks he is
going to stay with him? In real life the guy wouldn’t have survived five
seconds, but this is Hollywood.
There are some other plot
holes, but that’s to be expected. All in all this is a film in which you
need not worry about falling asleep. Even if you don’t like the
violence, the story and action are riveting.
April 10, 2008 |