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justfriends (2/10)
by Tony Medley
There’s nothing sadder than to
see a comedy that doesn’t work. You will go to lots of movies before you
see a stinker like this one. Except for good performances by Chris Klein
as Dusty Dinkleman and Christopher Marquette as Mike Brander, this is as
bad as a movie can get. Aimed at a high school intellect, Chris Brander
(Ryan Reynolds) was a fat nebbish in high school pining after his best
friend, Jamie Palamino (Amy Smart), to whom he is just a friend.
Flash forward ten years and
Chris is a hot stud in the record biz in L.A.. Jamie is still back in New
Jersey. Chris goes back and pursues Jamie again, but he’s in competition
with Dusty, as they try to out-nebbish each other to win her heart. End of
plot. My only regret is that I didn’t walk out after a half hour. No,
wait, my main regret is going to the screening in the first place because
I had bad vibes about this. The producers had packed the audience with
shills to laugh throughout, but those will be the only laughs this film
will hear before it goes to video.
November 15, 2005 |